

The Fishin’ Company is committed to protecting our environment, our ecosystems, and our world. We devote our financial resources and personnel to drive positive improvements in food safety, social standards, sustainable fishing practices, and responsible aquaculture within the industry as a whole. We believe it is our duty as good stewards of the earth to do all that we can to continually improve the world and the industry around us. Irresponsible fishing, reckless aquaculture production, and unreliable processing practices have caused significant damage to our oceans, to our environment, and to people across the world. We believe our strict sourcing practices, the various resources we have put into improving aquaculture production and wild fisheries, and our partnerships with NGO’s will continue to move the industry in the right direction.We follow the direction of partners like SFP, GAA, and the MSC to determine when and where we should purchase our seafood products. As a company, we dedicate ourselves to driving positive change in the industry every single day and to building a supply of seafood that can be trusted and depended on for generations to come.
The Fishin’ Company is also committed to sourcing socially responsible seafood products from our trusted suppliers across the world.We view this as a fundamental responsibility to our customers and our duty as a catalyst of positive change in the industry.We are proud to drive this change by not only sourcing products that are mandated to be manufactured free of forced and child labor of any kind, but verifying this mandate with 3rd party social compliance audits.This is not a new initiative, however.We have a long-standing commitment to social compliance and as a result, have multiple systems in place to validate that the social compliance aspects of our product are not compromised.
The executive leadership at The Fishin’ Company believes that positive change can more easily occur in the industry by commitments made in the marketplace. We are proud of the strong commitments made in our procurement policies, as well as those made by our customers, to supply seafood products that are responsibly and sustainably sourced.
The Fishin’ Company pledges to purchase its wild seafood from fisheries that are MSC certified (or in Pre-Assessment), certified by Friends of the Sea, certified by Responsible Fisheries Management, taking part in a Fishery Improvement Project (FIP), or rated “green” or “yellow” by Seafood Watch. NOAA-managed fisheries, or fisheries managed by states, will be assessed on a fishery-to-fishery basis. For those species or fisheries which do not meet the above standards, The Fishin’ Company will continue to offer support and guide them in the direction of achieving sustainability.
The Fishin’ Company commits to sourcing from producers that have received BAP Certification, ASC Certification, are taking part in an Aquaculture Improvement Project (AIP), or are rated “green” or “yellow” by Seafood Watch. For those species without a standard established by a certifying body, The Fishin’ Company will verify that food safety, quality, and environmental practices are consistent with standards of similar certifiable species. We will also partner with the GAA, whenever possible, to begin working toward creating a certifiable standard for aquaculture species without an established set of standards.
The building of a thriving, long-term seafood industry is reliant on strong partnerships among retailers, importers, producers, NGOs, fishermen, and governments. The Fishin’ Company has many close partnerships with leading organizations that are deeply committed to the growth and sustainability of the seafood industry, and we are honored to work with them toward common sustainability goals.
The Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) and its certifying body, Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP), have been a driving factor in building an ever-growing aquaculture industry that can be trusted. The Fishin’ Company has supported and partnered with the GAA and BAP for numerous years, and wholeheartedly believes in its commitment to constant improvement.
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP) works to develop fisheries and aquaculture efforts into sustainable and responsible sources of seafood. SFP’s leadership and expertise in all areas of seafood sustainability have led to the transformation of many crucial fisheries that the industry and consumers rely on. The Fishin’ Company has supported SFP in numerous FIPs and AIPs around the world by providing market support, financial resources, supplier roundtable presence, and more.
The development and evolution of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) certification, and others like it, has changed the overall landscape of the sustainable fisheries movement. The MSC has developed itself into the global standard for sustainable fisheries, and The Fishin’ Company supports the efforts of fisheries to achieve certification to this rigorous standard.